Hurry up and wait was where we got to over the last few weeks up at the ski hill. We got all our paperwork signed off, funding in place, trail flagged, clearing started and machine on site only to get shut down by the extreme fire hazard and sidelined for two weeks.
In this down time a small crew has been busy laying out the rest of the trail route and we are aiming to have 2km of out and back trail completed before the snow falls. The descent portion that will make this a loop is pending further land agreements and coming first thing next year.
Needless to say we are all very glad to have this rain and be able to get back at to clearing and building.
Currently we are working Tuesday and Wednesday evenings starting at 6pm. If weekdays don’t work for you but you are interested in being involved let us know and we may start doing a weekend workday as well.
The most valuable tools to bring right now are loppers or garden clippers, small handsaws, rakes and a good pair of gloves. We’ll have some extra tools on hand if you don’t have anything to bring. It has cooled off these days but water is always recommended too.
You must be a member to participate and membership is always available online or when you arrive. $15 for adults and $5 for school aged kids. The work we are doing now is definitely suitable for kids and we would love to see all ages coming out and getting involved.
Check out Dig Trails Designs’ blog and website. This is the company we are working with for machine construction and youth participation. Great guys!!page2/cjg9