Salmo Valley Trail Society

bringing accessible trails to our community since 2013

We would like to acknowledge that the trails we build, maintain and enjoy are in the traditional and ancestral territories of the Sinixt, the Syilx, and the Ktunaxa people. All are welcome.

You can now download our Trail Map!

The Trail Map has now been updated for 2022!
All proceeds go towards building trails in the Salmo Valley.

Thanks SUTCO for your donation to the trail maps and Garry Quist for your designs!

svts trail map cover

Purchase a Trail Pass

You can purchase a Trail Pass for using the trails. (Options for Day, Weekend & Annual). If you want to donate to the SVTS, then also use the Trail Pass Option. Thanks For Your Support!

Purchase a Membership

New This Year! Memberships are lifetime and cost $20/ person. This is the last time you will have to fill out a membership form.  Thanks For Your Support!

Want to send us a donation? That’s great! We now have a ‘Go Fund Me’ Campaign. All proceeds go directly towards building and maintaining trails in the Salmo Valley.

Events & Announcements

Thanks MEC!!!

Great News! We have just been awarded a grant for $13,150.00 to use towards our ski hill trails next summer….YAY!!! Thanks so much Mountain Equipment CO-OP. SVTS

YMIR Meeting Change of Date

We had to change the date of the Ymir Community Meeting at the Schoolhouse to Wednesday, Nov. 19th. See attached poster for details. SVTSMeetings SVTS

Upcoming Community Meetings

The Salmo Valley Trail Society will be hosting two community meetings this fall. We want to hear from you! Do you know about the Salmo ski hill project and what do you think? What other trail projects should be our priority for 2015? What trail opportunities are...

Trail Opening

Thanks to everyone who came out to support the and local trails at our official Salmo Ski Hill Trail Opener on Nov. 1st!! We are so excited to get started on the next section in the spring! SVTS

Thanks for your support

Thanks to everyone who bought bulbs through our Veseys Fundraiser this fall. We will doing it again in the spring at our annual Bingo Fundraiser in April! SVTS


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