by Johanna Mickle | Jan 14, 2022 | Announcements
We are taking Pre-orders for our limited edition 2022 Trail Specific T-shirts and Hoodies.
Starting this year, we will be creating a different T-shirt every year that will highlight one of our amazing local trails.
For 2022, our design is celebrating the Hooch Creek Trail, where out local crew found an antique ‘Hooch’ bottle labeled ‘VAT 69’.

by Johanna Mickle | Dec 13, 2021 | Announcements
Looking for a stocking stuffer and a way to support the Salmo Valley Trail Society this Christmas?
Purchase an annual Trail pass and pick up you 2022 Trail pass Sticker at The Salmo Outdoor Store or The Erie Creek Brewery.
*A special Thanks to Garry Quist for designing our sticker!*
by Johanna Mickle | Sep 28, 2021 | Announcements
Just a reminder that our annual AGM will be in KP Park at the picnic shelter Thursday, Oct. 7 at 6PM.
We need a couple of new directors and are also looking for members to join committees.
If you are passionate about your trails and have at least a few hours to commit each month then we would love to have you on the board.
by Johanna Mickle | Jul 7, 2021 | Announcements
We just distributed the updated Map Booklets for this year. Look for them around Salmo at The Salmo Outdoor Store, Erie Creek Brewery, Village Office, Dragonfly Cafe, Heritage Hub, Pharmacy, and Skyway Hardware. $2 Donation to the Salmo Valley Trail Society.
BIG THANKS TO SUTCO for the donation to help us print the maps and to Garry Quist for his design work!

by Johanna Mickle | Jun 16, 2021 | Announcements
Check out all that Salmo and Ymir have to offer! Get your SVTS membership and record your rides on Trailforks or Strava. Log rides on all 14 of the Salmo and Ymir area trails between May 1 and Sept 30 to earn your Ride SVTS badge. We’ll do a draw for prizes in early October from the names of people that have earned the badge and have a current membership.
Trailforks badge link
Info on how to link strata to trailforks
Get Your Membership